"Inspired by the Love of God, Coimbatore Spastic Trust's mission is to enable
people with special needs to realize their potential and to live with dignity;
to use every interaction to transform lives and create awarness"
CST’s journey began in a train. Mrs.Prema Joseph was travelling to Chennai one day in 1996. A chance meeting with a child and his family proved to be the moment of genesis. The child and his family were going to Chennai for the monthly visit to a school for special children for that month's worth of home-management instruction. The child had cerebral palsy. There were no schools in Coimbatore at that time to serve children with cerebral palsy with a multi modal approach. This also got her thinking of the children from BPL category and below middle income sector and their lack of access to a special school with all therapy interventions under one roof.
Thus, in 1998, CST was registered as a charitable trust with seven likeminded people who believed and backed Mrs. Prema’s vision for people with special needs. Ashirwad special school was the first program under the trust banner. The school began in YWCA, Coimbatore with ten children. Now, the day school centre is located in R.S. Puram, Coimbatore. CST now offers early intervention services, home-management services, community based rehabilitation, vocational training, family counseling, medical intervention and residential skill training is also available. CST in its journey has evolved into serving people with disability from 0- 40 years. The trust has touched the lives of more than 1000 people with special needs since the year of existence.
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